Our Strategic Plan

As of September 2020 the Friends of Clark Park approved a Strategic Plan governing our organizational focus for the upcoming years. The purpose of this strategic plan is to better define areas of focus and goals, enable increased and sustainable funding sources, and to assure accountability for the Friends. The goal for the plan is to achieve sustainability, stability and ongoing strategic thinking, as well to enable a more focused approach to Friends of Clark Park’s role in the community.

Along with establishing a clear path forward for Friends of Clark Park this plan also clearly lays out our vision, mission, and strategy:


A Clark Park which embraces everybody and enhances the health and happiness of its neighborhood


Friends of Clark Park is an all-volunteer organization. We partner with the neighboring community and with Philadelphia Parks and Recreation (PPR) with the goal to maintain and enhance the physical aspects and cultural opportunities of Clark Park.


Friends of Clark Park implements its mission through volunteerism, partnerships, innovative programming, advocacy and financial support

The plan also lays out clear overarching goals for the organization:

    • Create a new master plan for Clark Park that incorporates the Friend’s vision and enhances the condition, features and recreational value of the park.
    • Elevate Friends of Clark Park’s profile in the community by creating clear and consistent communications and implementing strategies to raise greater awareness of the Friend’s mission, activities and funding needs.
    • Maintain and improve the physical appearance of the park and its features.
    • Assure a diversified funding stream, including reaching more members to further expand the Friend’s contributions to Clark Park
    • Create inclusive programming and recreational opportunities and assure the long-term benefits of Clark Park to the community.
    • Increase awareness and understanding among local decision makers of the importance of providing appropriate funding, resources and interventions.
    • Maintain a well-governed and fiscally sound organization with effective, engaged and empowered leadership and sufficient resources and systems to support the Friend’s work.

If you would like to learn more about the details of the plan please feel free to explore the document in depth here: FoCP Strategic Plan

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