Hosting an Event
Clark Park is governed by Philadelphia Parks and Recreation, which requires and issues permits for any event in the park. There are, generally, five kinds of permits that park users may be required to obtain:
Picnic permits
Special Events permits
Sporting Events permits
Weddings and Wedding Photography permits
Vendor permits
Please check out Parks and Recreation Permits to obtain a permit or call their permit staff at 215-685-0060. For Clark Park specific details read below:
Do I need a permit?
Generally, small gatherings and picnics do not require a permit. To be sure, ask yourself the following five questions (if you answer “yes” to any of them, then you will need some kind of permit).
Do you require a specific location in Clark Park?
Will more than 50 people be attending your event at any given time?
Will you be using amplified sound?
Will you require use of the park’s electricity?
Will there be any commerce or sales, such as at a flea market or food truck?
If you answered “no” to all questions, you probably don’t need a permit.
If you need help in sorting out your options, please contact Friends of Clark Park’s Large Events Committee at Events@friendsofclarkpark.org.
Picnic Permits
PPR designates specific areas of its parks as Picnic Areas, and a permit enables you to reserve that particular area for your picnic. Remember, picnics do not allow amplified sound, or commerce or sales. You can download the Picnic Permit here. Please note the entry for “Picnic Location” on the 4th line down. PPR has not yet determined which areas of Clark Park are its picnic areas. So, the FoCP suggests that you specify one of the following locations:
Shuffleboard court at 45th and Chestnut
Dickens Statue
Central Circle along Baltimore (the one with the chess tables and orange chairs)
Tot Lot Area at Chester and 43rd
If you’re having a cookout in the park, please be careful with your fire. It’s also very important that you not dump your coals on the ground: there’s a fire hazard, and charcoal frequently contains fuel and chemicals which can damage grass and pollute the soil. Please bring a metal pail to carry used coals elsewhere.
Special Events Permits
These are the permits required by the various majors events of Clark Park: the Woodland Avenue Reunion, the Clark Park Music and Arts Festivals, the Spruce Hill May Fair, the Uhuru Flea Markets, and Shakespeare in the Park. With the creation of the new Department of Parks and Recreation in 2011, a new set of permit rules and requirements was developed. Many of the new regulations have been derived from the Fairmount Park Commission’s experience with very large events in very large locations. Clark Park’s events are of a very different kind and scale, and our experiences will continue to inform future revisions of Parks and Rec’s permit process.
The Special Events Permit and Guidelines can be downloaded here. Please note all events in Clark Park must be sponsored by a West Philadelphia-based registered nonprofit organization. Additionally, Clark Park is at capacity for large events, so that no new event can be added unless a previously authorized event drops out of the schedule. The schedule for each new year is determined by the Friends of Clark Park Large Events Committee at its annual meeting the previous December. If you have any trouble, questions, or concerns, contact our Large Events Committee at Events@friendsofclarkpark.org
Other Logistics
Amplified Sound
The FoCP has asked for two restrictions on amplified sound events. The first is that Only one event per weekend can have amplified sound. There can still be events on Saturday and on Sunday, but only one can have amplified sound, whether it be music or speech. The second is that No events with amplified sound can be scheduled on consecutive weekends. There can be a maximum of 13 amplified-sound events during the six-month period from May through October, spaced no less than two weeks apart. Amplified sound will be limited to six hours in duration per event. Permit holder will select a six-hour time slot within the window of 11 a.m.-8 p.m. Time slot will be noted on the permit.
Note: The Clark Park Music & Arts Festival is an exception to this, and has been grandfathered. Its events will continue to have amplified sound from 11AM-8PM for the June event and 11AM-7PM for the September event.
Placement of Stages
Amplified sound events scheduled in Park “A” (the north section between Baltimore and Chester Avenues) must direct speakers away from Baltimore Avenue residences and toward Chester Avenue. For amplified sound events in Park “B” (the south section between Chester, 45th, and 43rd) must direct speakers south towards Woodland Ave. A site map of preferred stage locations and angles is available at the link Large Event Guide Maps.
Films will be given special exception since they must be shown after dark. Films will not be scheduled the same night as another event, but could be scheduled the same weekend.
Advertising, Posters, and Flyers
Three kiosks are provided in Clark Park for posters to advertise your event. To avoid damage to the plants, posters or flyers may not be posted on trees. If you are interested in placing a large banner, please contact Events@friendsofclarkpark.org to set up an appointment with maintenance volunteers for discussion of banner possibilities.
Vehicles are not allowed in Clark Park. To prevent damage to the paths, grass, and trees, no vehicle may leave the paved walks or remain parked unattended anywhere in the park. With special permission of the Department of Recreation, one vehicle per large event can drive into the park to unload and reload heavy equipment. Please contact Events@friendsofclarkpark.org to get a permit.
Note: There is a parking lot at Kingsessing Mall that can be reserved for weekend events, with proper lead time.
Ready to Plan Your Event?
If you are ready to get your permit please check out the Parks and Recreation Permits Page. We thank you in advance for abiding by these guidelines to ensure that the events in the park can coexist with the community.