Dogs in the Park
The City of Philadelphia’s Department of Parks and Recreation has posted the Dog Regulations and Best Practices on their website.
Many dog owners bring their dogs to Clark Park. If you own a dog and like to visit our green pace, please adhere to the following rules:
Pick up after your dog and use the trash receptacles.
Obey park and playground signage.
Keep your dog on a leash. This is the law of the City of Philadelphia. (See Philadelphia Ordinance Chapter 10, Sections 104 and 105 for complete rules.)
Dogs are not allowed on the playgrounds.
Maintain control of your dog. It is the owner/handler’s responsibility.
Do not allow your dog to run and jump on other people or dogs.
Do not leave your dog unattended.
Do not tie your dog to fences, benches or any park furnishings.
Keep off non-grass areas. Remember: urine damages plants and trees.
Obey City of Philadelphia licensing laws (get a dog license) and follow Commonwealth of Pennsylvania vaccination requirements (find low-cost pet care and vaccinations).
Don’t let dogs dig holes.
Further Information
The Pennsylvania Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals is charged with enforcing the City of Philadelphia animal control code.
Local Dog Parks
There are currently seven authorized dog parks on Philadelphia Parks and Rec properties. All dog runs are managed and maintained by a local volunteer organization with oversight from PPR. Please adhere to Dog Run rules posted at each facility.
Dog Run Locations
Black, Coyle and McBride (Pops) Playground: Trenton Avenue & E. Hazzard Streets, 19125
Columbus Square Park: 12th & Reed Streets, 19147
Manayunk (Pretzel) Park: 4300 Silverwood Street, 19127
Mario Lanza Park: 214 Catharine Street, 19147
Monkiewicz Playground: 3201 Richmond Street, 19134
Schuylkill River Park: 25th & Spruce Streets, 19103
Seger Playground: 11th & Lombard Streets, 19147
Lanier Dog Park: 29th & 30th on Tasker Street, 19145
If you are interested in applying for a dog run in a PPR park, please review the PPR guidelines.
Why Clark Park Does Not Have a Dog Park
In 2003, in response to concerns raised by parents and dog owners, FoCP President Tony West convened a special Dog Committee to examine issues regarding dogs and children in Clark Park. The Dog Committee evaluated several actions proposed to reduce any dangers or discomforts, including fences, stricter leash-law enforcement, organization of dog owners, and the construction of a dedicated Dog Park. These are summarized in a Status Report of April 2004. The Committee endorsed two recommendations: the construction of a dedicated Dog Park, and stricter leash-law enforcement.
The FoCP and its members needed to have a more detailed understanding of a Dog Park project before making decisions. Committee members Stephen Fisher and Linda Amsterdam assembled a more detailed proposal for a dog park. This proposal outlined such issues as location, costs, maintenance issues, and the impact a Dog Park might have on the use of Clark Park. Their proposal had an estimated cost of $30,000-$70,000. The Planning Committee also spoke with representatives from other city Dog Parks to better understand their successes, failures, and what Clark Park might expect.
On September 22nd, 2004, the FoCP Planning Committee voted 4-2 to not support the construction of a Dog Park. The Planning Committee also voted unanimously to move that Friends of Clark Park advocate the enforcement of leash laws. On December 13th, 2004, the FoCP Board voted 6-4 (with 1 abstention) to support construction of a dog park along the lines of the proposal submitted. In addition, the Board voted 8-0 (with 3 abstentions) to advocate enforcement of leash laws in the park.
On January 18, 2005, the FoCP Membership was presented with materials regarding the proposal. Our newsletter ran Pro and Con articles, and included many of the details assembled by Stephen and Linda. The FoCP Membership voted to advocate leash enforcement, but voted 87-22 to not recommend that a Dog Park be built.