Become a Member of FoCP
Membership to FoCP is acquired through yearly dues. By becoming a member, you contribute support, maintenance, and improvement to Clark Park. Your yearly dues help us keep the park in good shape including additional trash pickup, garden maintenance, and infrastructure purchases like chairs, benches, and porta-potties. We’ll make sure to keep you up-to-date on the latest park activities and ways to get involved. Please note that FoCP is a 501c3 non-profit organization so support and donations are tax deductible.
Support Structure
Senior/Student/Limited-Income – $10
Individual – $25
Household/Family – $50
Patron/Business – $100
Lifetime (one time payment) – $1,000
Ways to Become a Member
In-Person at our merchandise table during the Saturday farmer’s markets
Prefer less commitment? Just make a one-off donation instead!
All funds go directly to supporting and maintaining the park
Note About Joining Online:
We are using MemberPlanet, an online service, to manage our records and communication. PLEASE do not feel obligated to provide all information requested by MemberPlanet. At a minimum we need your name and email contact. But we'd also love to hear what aspects of the park interest you or other details that you feel are important. MemberPlanet requests a birthdate only to verify that you are over 13 (MemberPlanet Privacy Policy).