The entrance to the “B” park at 45th Street and Chester Avenue got a facelift last month when a team of Friends of Clark Park volunteers transformed 620 square feet filled with invasive species into a native plant habitat. The garden beds (designed by board member Erik Nash) offer a glimpse of our native prairie and edge habitat while giving a slight nod to the formal entrance that once was. The garden now features many different types of plants native to our region such as coneflower, horsemint, little bluestem, prairie dropseed, seersucker sedge, and foam flower (with milkweed and a few others coming soon). These plants will attract pollinating insects like bees and butterflies as well as provide habitat and nesting materials for birds and other animals. Our Garden Committee members and volunteers have been hard at work this spring beautifying every corner of the park. If you would like to help out, please email volunteer@friendsofclarkpark.org. We’re always looking for extra hands to help weed, prune, plant and mulch.