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The Latest on COVID 19 for Friends of Clark Park

These continue to be strange times and we unfortunately are all living in a world of unknowns. For many of us that means taking it day by day and approaching what’s next with as positive a mindset as possible. With this attitude in mind the Friends of Clark Park (FoCP) are doing our best to continue to monitor the situation and do our part to help keep our West Philly community as safe and healthy as possible. For the most up to date information about park use and events, please visit Philadelphia Parks and Recreation (PPR).

For our part we are extending the cancellation of all upcoming FoCP events through the end of June. This includes everything from our regular volunteer days, the spring season of Clark Park Soccer, to our annual Party in the Park event. For events not sponsored by FoCP, please check directly with those organizations, such as UhuruShakespeare in Clark ParkClark Park Arts and Music Festival,  Community Unity and the Food Trust, which runs the Farmer’s Market. We are in communication with all the partners who hold events in Clark Park and will update our calendar as quickly as we can.

Please stay safe West Philly.


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