Earlier this month Philadelphia began the Green Phase of our COVID-19 response called Reopening with Care. In this phase the city will continue scaling back restrictions on social and business activities while still working to ensure residents’ safety. Despite this shift it is important to remember that with the COVID-19 coronavirus still circulating, the Green Phase does not mean that all activities can restart. While Philadelphia has been able to keep it’s parks open throughout the pandemic, the city will continue to prohibit or restrict some activities to try and keep our community as safe and healthy as possible.
What does this change mean for Clark Park? To start with across the city parks and trails will remain open with athletic fields now open for exercise. The hoops that were removed from basketball courts will be reinstalled across the city. Additionally, playgrounds will now be open for children and household use. While not a factor in Clark Park, park buildings, restrooms and facilities will remain closed. It is also important to note that most Philadelphia Parks & Rec events and programs are canceled until further notice, and it is still not allowed to host social gatherings in the park larger than 25 people. For full detail, please check out this handy guide.
While Clark Park remains open, your safety is critically important. When you are using the park, please follow the following guidance from the City of Philadelphia:
Wear Masks – block the virus from spreading from infected persons by wearing masks and requiring others to wear them
Isolate – keep people who might be carrying the virus safely away from others (ideally at home)
Distance – maintain space between people to reduce the chance that one infected individual will infect others, 6ft apart or more.
Reduce crowds – decrease the number of people that an infected person could pass the virus to if other steps are not successful
Handwashing – reduce the spread of virus from one person to another from touching contaminated surfaces
Clean – remove respiratory droplets that may contain virus from surfaces that people may touch
As you enjoy the park this summer please continue to follow the advice of the Philadelphia Department of Public Health Department. Thanks for helping to keep the West Philly community safe this summer.