For the first time since 2006, the City approved a plan to rejuvenate Clark Park. This new plan includes nature-based playgrounds, a multi-height basketball hoop, a permanent bathroom, and many other improvements to Clark Park.
Please support our first fundraising drive for the Clark Park Plan! Every single donation—no matter how small—shows our community supports The Plan for Clark Park.
In addition to helping fund the Clark Park Plan, your donations will go toward: Cleaning the Park – Funds will provide volunteers with tools and supplies such as rakes, shovels, gloves, and light refreshments for monthly volunteer work days. The funds will also pay for a maintenance contractor to combat rapid trash accumulation when the park is at its busiest by picking up litter and emptying trash cans. Gardening Program – Your donation will go toward supplying new plants including shrubs and flowers to make the garden plots lush with color and supply volunteers with tools. A professional arborist is regularly hired for major pruning work on the trees. Usability – Your donation also funds continued projects to help improve how we use the park everyday such as the installation and maintenance of benches, picnic tables, and the chess tables. We also continue to purchase and refresh the orange chairs and tables regularly. These programs are crucial to keep Clark Park the vibrant public space we all love, but they come at a significant cost and you can make a difference with your contribution. Please keep in mind that Friends of Clark Park is a non-profit section 501(c)(3) organization and your contributions are tax deductible.