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Help Us Kick Off Project Green

We want to keep the landscape in Clark Park beautiful. That is why the Friends of Clark Park is launching Project Green in 2018 which is focused on sprucing up the gardens throughout the park. The centerpiece of this program is a volunteer initiative where we are asking for gardeners to manage smaller plots throughout the park.

Our goal is to make this program as easy as possible for people to participate. That is why we are looking for two types of volunteers: leaders who can really be the “owners” of their plots for the season and general volunteers who want to help out, but may not be able to make a full commitment. Our leaders will be people who love to garden and want to take charge of an area. General volunteers will be assigned to different teams and will be contacted when the “owners” are looking for help. Plants and plans will be provided so no experience or contributions are necessary.

This program will be kicking off this spring with our first major work day coinciding with Philadelphia Parks and Recreation’s Love Your Park Day on May 12th. If you are interested in volunteering please either reach out to to sign up or attend an information session at the start of our Member Meeting on April 23rd,  7:00 pm – 8:30 pm Rosenberger 102, USciences for more information.


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