Clark Park Plan Shareout Postponed! Given the rain tomorrow we will be unable to share the proposal for the updated Clark Park Plan without ruining the drawings. Please join us next week either at our annual meeting (10/16 Griffith Hall at 7:30) or at the upcoming Farmers Market (10/21) to discuss.
Care about the future of Clark Park? Over much of the last year the Friends of Clark Park in collaboration with University City District and Jamie Gauthier’s office have been hard at work drafting an update to the Clark Park Plan. Our Plan, last updated in 2006, provides a guiding light for park investment. Our latest revision offers an opportunity to update the plan to meet the key needs of the community today. This plan builds on many months of engagement with the West Philly community and Philadelphia Parks and Recreation through many rounds of outreach (both online and live) and numerous community meetings to gather feedback. We are excited to be able to share the final draft of the Plan and will be live at the Clark Park Farmers Market on October 14th with Jamie Gauthier sharing the plan and hearing feedback.
We also want to share a huge thank you to Studio Bryan Hanes for all the hours they have put in to facilitate this process and bring the community vision to life.